I was curious about what ideas my friend
Coty would come up with when she started her
100 Ideas project.
Yesterday, in her post
100 Ideas: 4 I got really curious coz it contained a secret message, cut into several pieces and pasted back randomly. It definitely caught me. So I decided to "decrypt" this code. Using my limited knowledge in image manipulation, I managed to reassemble the message. So, ladies and gentlemen, here's Coty's secret:
(Drum roll)...
I'm secretly mad at my roomates right now because they got up early and woke me up before 6:00 a.m. I was so upset I had to go to the bathroom and quietly cry there because I can no longer take this noise and lack of sleep. I have a test today and I'm afraid I will fall asleep while I take it!
Well, Coty, I hope you did well on your test. :)